ONE OF THE biggest mistakes jewelers make is getting lost in the search for a perfect social-media platform.
It’s so easy to spend weeks working out which social media site is the “best,” months trying to master that platform, and just when you think you’ve gotten the hang of it and are starting to see some traction …
Boom. The algorithm changes, and you’re left back at square one.
But true business success on social media doesn’t come from outsmarting the updates that you know are lurking just around the corner; it comes from embracing the social nature of wherever you show up (strategically, of course!).
When you know how to talk to people in a way that builds your “know-like-trust” factor, you can take that skill wherever our evolving digital landscape moves next.
Here are three surefire ways to nail your sales conversations on any platform:
1. Invite your audience to start a conversation with you. Whether inside your showroom or on social media, one-to-one conversations are where we have the highest chance of closing a sale. You can turn any public post into a private conversation by asking your audience to drop an emoji in the comments and saying you’ll direct-message them something special: a sneak peek at what’s on your bench, an article you’re featured in, a code for free shipping, etc.
From there, you can ask them about what drew them to your work and guide them toward pieces they might like best. Make this one-to-one conversation all about them, and you’ll also make a fabulous first impression.
2. Pay extra attention to your extremely important collectors.
Staying in contact with your extremely important collectors (your top shoppers) can take many forms, from emails to texts and good old-fashioned run-ins around town — but social media makes it so simple. Friending and following your closest connections makes it easy to keep in touch and remember important dates like birthdays and anniversaries. It’s important to build genuine relationships with your extremely important collectors and remember that not every conversation you have with your collectors should be about sales.
3. Move the conversation to video when it’s time to talk sales. Once someone has expressed interest in a piece (or many pieces), it’s time to ask them to join you for a video call so they can get their questions answered and see how your jewelry moves and captures the light. Video is a far more effective communication tool than text, so it’s worth spending time to get comfortable with being on video so that you can connect with confidence.
In the end, what social media platform you use matters less than how you use it.
Approach each connection with the goal of providing excellent service, use guiding questions to keep the conversation flowing, and you’ll have a skill that you can take with you onto any platform!