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An Event Idea for Equal Pay Day, and More Important Dates for March

And don’t let National Puppy Day go to the dogs.




An Event Idea for Equal Pay Day, and More Important Dates for March

31 Most working citizens labor the first few months of any year to pay off their obligations to Uncle Sam. That feels bad enough, but women then have to work another four months to catch up to men in terms of earnings. It’s this income disparity that is behind EQUAL PAY DAY, which marks the number of extra days the better half have to toil. Invite your women customers to come in to commiserate and reward themselves “fairly” for their hard work. And in 2021, people seem to be in the mood for social statements.

1 March is NATIONAL CRAFT MONTH, a celebration of the kinds of skills jewelers have applied for centuries. Think of an event to highlight the skills of your bench team and the more general delights of the hand-wrought art.

20 Spring is ART WALK season. See if there’s one happening in your area. Baxley Jewelers in Carrollton, GA, told us they hosted a local photographer as part of such an event and drew the largest crowds they’ve ever had.

23 Happy NATIONAL PUPPY DAY! Get your Instagram account ready. What’s cuter than a pup in pearls?



Looking for a Seamless Sale? Call Wilkerson

After almost 60 years in business, Breakiron Jewelers in Erie, Pennsylvania, was closing its doors. And the store’s owner, Linda Breakiron, was ready for it. She had run the store as its sole owner since the beginning of the millennium and was looking forward to a change. Of course, she called Wilkerson. Breakiron talked to other jewelers who had used Wilkerson and was satisfied with their response. “They always had positive feedback,” she recalls. With the sales, marketing and even additional inventory that Wilkerson provided, Breakiron insists she could never have accomplished her going-out-of-business sale without Wilkerson’s help. She’s now ready for the journey ahead, but looking back, she’d be sure to recommend Wilkerson. “They just made the whole process very seamless.”

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