One of the best ways to get an honest opinion about how your team is doing is to send out a survey to your best 1,000 clients. Tell them they don’t need to identify themselves in their response — it should be anonymous. Send them a stamped, self-addressed envelope to make it really easy. In fact, it may be worth your while to offer an incentive: a $100 gift certificate, free jewelry “tune-up,” free repair, whatever you feel is best!
Here are the questions you should ask:
1. Is our store clean, neat and organized?
2. Are you being greeted in a professional and timely fashion?
3. Do you feel our sales team is knowledgeable?
4. How do you feel about our present dress code?
5. Is our parking lot clean, and can you always find parking?
6. Is our signage outside adequate? Are we easy to find?
7. Do you feel we have the right price points?
8. Are there brands that we should acquire or certain items you’d like us to have?
9. Is our sales team polite? Have you ever felt pre-judged when you came in?
10. When you want big-ticket items, do you feel you can come to us or do you feel you have to go to another jewelry store?
11. Is our location still working for you?
12. How is our packaging?
13. Do you bring your repairs to us?
14. Are our repairs done on time?
15. Have you had to bring repairs back because they were done incorrectly?
16. How do you feel about the length of time it takes to have your repairs or watch services done?
17. Do you feel our repair prices are fair?
18. How often do you come in?
19. What do you feel needs to change about the experience when you come in?
20. Do you see us for special occasions or are we more of a repair store in your mind?
21. How good is our team at follow-up with purchases and calling when your repair is ready to be picked up?
22. Do you send us referrals, and if not, why not?
23. Do you use our website?
24. Is our website easy to use?
25. Did you research us the first time you came in? Were you referred?
26. What do you think about our advertising?
27. Where do you see us the most?
28. Would you like us to have e-commerce capability to make it easier for you to shop?
29. Are there services you’d like us to have that we don’t offer?
30. Do we have an associate we need to talk to or fire?
31. Have you ever had a bad experience with anyone on our team? If so, what happened? Did we professionally take care of it?
32. Are our hours convenient for your shopping needs?
33. Rating us from 1 (worst) to 10 (best), what would our number be and why?