This Missouri store started their own online anti-crime network
 [dropcap cap=L]aunching events isn’t always about moving merchandise. When the owners of Marquirette’s Exquisite Jewelry of Montgomery, AL, decided to hold a speed-dating event in...
Craig Underwood shares insights on the benefits of your own ad agency. Â HOW MANY OF YOUR ad dollars are going into your agency’s pockets each...
MORE OF THE BEST WELCOME LETTERS A good way to get your relationship with a prospective employee off on the right foot is a welcome letter...
Trey Bailey of Bailey’s Fine Jewelry wanted to surprise an unsuspecting passerby. [dropcap cap=I]magine a prospective customer walking in the park, dining at a favorite restaurant,...
[dropcap cap=W]hen Tom Van Gundy heard the voices of 12 women in the front of his store, he had no idea what was happening, but he...
Fox Fine Jewelry takes on the recession with a Valentine’s Day giveaway  [h3]Fox Fine Jewelry; Ventura, CA[/h3] [dropcap cap=D]ebbie Fox, co-owner with her husband, George,...
Fox Fine Jewelry takes on the recession with a Valentine’s Day giveaway DEBBIE FOX, co-owner with her husband, George, of Fox Fine Jewelry in Ventura,...
[h3]Trapper’s Diamonds[/h3] [dropcap cap=A]s Tapper’s Diamonds and Fine Jewelry prepared for its 30th anniversary last year, the Tappers wanted to balance celebration with philanthropy. Upon finding...
Other retailers doing thing right TODAY’S THE DAY ROBBINS BROS. teamed up with NBC’s Today Show to help 18 couples get engaged. The event was part...
Most jewelers involve the customer in the retail selling process by qualifying the prospect, discovering needs, demonstrating value, and closing the sale. Plante Jewelers in Swansea,...
Godwin’s Jewelers uses this mantra to get to $2 million in annual sales THREE SHORT YEARS AGO, Ronnie Godwin’s store in rural Bainbridge, GA, was limping...
Burned out on Black Friday, a store has its biggest season ever BLACK FRIDAY. For most retailers, the day symbolizes extreme stress and hectic action. Not...
Retailers doing things right OTHER RETAILERS DOING THINGS RIGHT ITALIAN STYLE CONGRESS JEWELERS recently hosted a ?Taste of Italy?. The two-day international designer event held at...
Sinking traffic is telling you it’s time to move. But where? Free-standing stores and new ?lifestyle’ centers are options to consider, writes Donna Frischknecht. A DIFFERENT...
How you display your jewelry is almost as important as the jewelry itself. Keep thinking outside the box. WITH DECISIONS to be made on materials, size,...
You’ve done the groundwork, now what to do with that customer data? James Porte serves up some ideas that work. Fast forward. You have heeded the...
While many consumers might appear more educated about buying a diamond today, the reality is that most have only picked up some key phrases and gemological...
[dropcap cap=I]nstead of concentrating solely on how to draw Bostonians into their free-standing downtown store, Richard and Michael Finn, owners of family business E.B. Horn, decided...
[dropcap cap=D]ave and Rick Rogoway, owners of LaRog Brothers Jewelers, grew up in the family’s store in Portland, OR, which was known for the revolving sign...