(PRESS RELEASE) MILAN, ITALY — The heads of the World Jewellery Confederation (CIBJO) and the Turkish Jewellery Exporters’ Association (TJEA) have concluded a Memorandum of Understanding, pledging the intent of the two organizations to cooperate closely in nurturing the development of both the Turkish and international jewelry, gemstone and precious metals industries.
The MOU was signed on January 21, 2023, in Vicenza during the VICENZAORO show, by CIBJO President Gaetano Cavalieri and TJEA President Burak Yukin, in the presence of a large group of Turkish jewelry industry members and CIBJO officials.
According to the agreement, CIBJO and TJEA will develop programs to educate members of the gemstone, precious metals and jewelry sectors in Türkiye about the principles of ethical business practices, responsible sourcing, sustainability, Corporate Social Responsibility and harmonized standards and nomenclature. These will be based on the CIBJO Blue Book series, which covers diamonds, colored gemstones, pearls, coral, precious metals, the operation of gem labs and principles of responsible sourcing, and other guidance documents, including CIBJO’s laboratory-grown diamond guide. Such programs will be presented at events organized by TJEA.
Educational programs delivered under the framework of this agreement could include seminars, workshops and conferences, and graduates of these events would receive diplomas bearing the official seal of CIBJO.
It also was agreed that CIBJO and TJEA will cooperate in the translation of selected CIBJO Blue Books and guidance documents into Turkish, for distribution in Türkiye. They also will be made available on the CIBJO website.
Speaking after the signing of the MOU, Mr. Yukin emphasized that this agreement has historical significance for the Turkish jewelry industry, which is both a top-10 jewelry exporter and a jewelry market. “In a globally interconnected industry such as ours, maintaining relationships with colleagues in other countries is of paramount importance. To be able to communicate and work together, we need to see eye to eye on standards, operating principles, terminology and ethics. CIBJO is the single forum where all these are addressed by all international players, and we are delighted to be able to adapt what is learned to the Turkish environment, and at the same time have our voice heard internationally,” the TJEA President said.
“Türkiye is today a lynchpin in our industry, not only as a major manufacturer and consumer of jewelry, but also as a gateway to the growing markets of Central Asia, Eastern Europe, the Balkans and the Eastern Mediterranean, for which it serves as a primary trading and production hub,” said Dr. Cavalieri. “The World Jewellery Confederation hopes that this important agreement not only supports the growth and development of the Turkish industry, and well as its increased involvement in the work that we do, but also the expansion of a vibrant and ethical jewelry trade throughout its region.”