(Press Release)
This week the Diamond Dealers Club (DDC) of New York, in conjunction with the Gem & Jewelry Export Promotion Council (GJEPC), greeted more than 60 exhibitors and several hundred buyers at its third India Diamond Week on the DDC’s trading floor in Manhattan. The DDC intends to create trading opportunities in the market by welcoming international diamantaires to trade at the largest bourse in the U.S.
“This has been an incredibly successful show in the past, and (on Monday) we saw not just the regular buyers, but countless new faces as well,” says DDC President Reuven Kaufman. “Coming off of 2015, we see the DDC trade shows as tremendous opportunities for dealers, wholesalers and manufacturers around the world to jumpstart their 2016 business and connect to forge significant business relationships. In this fourth edition of India Diamond Week, we are excited to once again welcome diamantaires from India to our trading floor, in order to create new connections, build on existing relationships, and generate success for our industry.”
The event aims to increase communication between diamantaires and promote business globally. “This is our third time at India Diamond Week,” says Nirav Shah, from Mahendra Brothers. “We came back again and made an appearance so that we can continue the relationships we have created.”
India Diamond Week at the DDC is being held through Jan. 21 at the DDC’s headquarters in the heart of the Diamond District at 580 Fifth Avenue at 47th Street in New York.
For more information on India Diamond Week, or to become a member of the DDC and participate in the next DDC trade show, contact the executive office.