[componentheading]Yes, I Do[/componentheading]
We have a staff manual stating all policies of the store, which we give to every new hire, and we have them sign that they have received it. We also train all staff members on the Patriot Act, and we have them sign that they have been trained in those guidelines as well. We also have them shadow staff members for days and we have a diamond class, gold class, etc. for them. — Mark & Michelle Goodman; Goodman Jewelers of Abingdon, Abingdon, VA
We offer a four-week training program for our new hires. This program teaches us what they already know coming into our store and tells us the areas in which they need improvement. After three months, we offer them a a complete diamond training program that the store pays for. — Robert Sirois; Classique Jewelers, Frisco, TX
Snowden’s has a detailed training program for every person who comes to work for us regardless of their level of experience. It is broken into daily activities and has a testing component. — Chris Snowden; Snowden’s Jewelers, Wilmington, NC
The structured training program comes from Performance Concepts and Kate Peterson. It is designed to acquaint new people with the store’s procedures and staff and to give staff members a stake in the success of the new people. — Alexander Rysman; Romm & Co., Brockton, MA
I have a program from Harry Friedman that we use for new employees. After that, we start on actual product knowledge. — Dave Salkin; Salkin’s Jewel Case, Freehold, NJ
We use Brad Huisken’s manuals and videos. We also have Shane Decker’s videos to watch. — Steve Hunt; S&S Jewelry, New Martinsville, WV
We have a training manual, a checklist of basic things they should know in the first 90 days, and we assign a mentor. — John Joseph; S. Joseph and Sons, Des Moines, IA
[componentheading]No, I Don’t[/componentheading]
We’re more “learn by doing” and “sink or swim.” — Laura Stanley; Stanley Jewelers Gemologist, North Little Rock, AR
We’re a very small operation. It’s on-the-job training and shadowing that gets any new help trained. — Casey Gallant; Stephen Gallant Jewelers, Orleans, MA
We are not structured people, we think and act out of the box and it works for us. — Danny Alkayam; Daniel Diamonds, Evergreen, CO
We did have a policy manual but found most staff was not following it, so rather than enforcing it, we did the opposite and just ignore it. We are now in the process of putting it all in place once again as it is very important that we do. Staff lacks a cohesive approach right now. — Shahraz Kassam; Shamin Jewellers, Burnaby, BC, Canada
We’ve found that every employee has a different amount of experience prior to joining our team and that people learn in a variety of different ways, so we tailor our training schedule and regimen to suit each particular employee. — Jennifer Hornik Johnson; Jae’s Jewelers, Coral Gables, FL
[span class=note]This story is from the February 2011 edition of INSTORE[/span]