[componentheading]Yes, I Do[/componentheading]
The holder can make an exchange or get store credit, but no refunds of any amount. The holder isn’t my customer yet. I will give the refund only to the person who paid. — Don Delano; JL Jewelers, Tampa, FL
Only when asked. We offer in-store credit only on returns. — Sheralyn Bartels; Don’s Jewelry, Clinton, IA
Our POS offers the option, but very seldom do we offer it to the guest unless it is a gift to a non-family member. — Tom Duma; Thom Duma Fine Jewelers, Warren, OH
We offer them on request, but they are not necessary for an exchange. — Lisa Baca; Princess Bride Diamonds, Huntington Beach, CA
We ask the purchaser if they have any restrictions on their gift. Many say we are not to refund without their approval. If they say the recipient must purchase for themselves and not use it for someone else, we honor their wishes. — Dan Decker; Decker Diamond Jewelers, Ebensburg, PA
[componentheading]No, I Don’t[/componentheading]
That’s for big boxes — don’t want to be like them! — Paul Krueger; Krueger Jeweler, Fort Atkinson, WI
We tell all customers that they do not need the receipts to exchange, just the name of who purchased the item, and we can look it up in the system. — Ronnie Ware; Ware Jewelers, Bainbridge, GA
We get fewer than 0.1 percent returns, so we don’t address the issue. — Jonathan McCoy; McCoy Goldsmith & Jeweler, Dubuque, IA
Our standard 15-day return policy is discussed at purchase. This reduces “weekend” wearers and helps qualify purchases for better gift results! — Denise Oros; Linnea Jewelers, La Grange, IL
I know my customers and my merchandise well enough that I can quickly look up the value of the item without having a receipt without the price on it. — Elizabeth Breon; Coast Jewelers, Florence, OR
We remove the quick-cash-for-thegiftee option. Credit or returns to the giver only. — Steven Wardle; Forest Beach Design, Chatham, MA
[span class=note]This story is from the November 2011 edition of INSTORE[/span]