Brain Squad” members share their thoughts on working with local businesses.

[h2]Yes, I Do [/h2]
We try to buy from locally owned businesses for our office supplies. — Mark & Michelle Goodman; Goodman Jewelers of Abingdon, Abingdon, VA
I buy from other small businesses when I can, even paying a little more. — John Lewis; Cravens & Lewis Jewelers, Georgetown, KY
I never shop at big-box stores. It is like selling your soul to the devil. — David Mell; The Goldsmith Jewelers, Lawrenceville, GA
I work with the flower shop and the hairdresser for weddings. It helps us all! — Donn Powers; Donn Powers Jeweler, South Milwaukee, WI
For our ladies night out we work with a local wine store. — Jeff Bergey; Bergey Jewelry, Oregon, WI
We combine ads and promotions to bring traffic to the area. — David Beduze; Generation Jewelers, Watertown, WI
I do a lot of barter. — Jan Domenico; JD Designs, Houston, TX
We partner with a couple of local car dealers for promotions and trade for advertising. — Susie Freeman; Freeman Jewelers, Fort Wayne, IN
The more you share and give the more you receive. — Lex Harrison; GM Jewelers, San Jancinto, CA
[h2]No, I Don’t [/h2]
I’m tired of being stabbed in the back by my neighbors. — Steve Stempinski; Steve’s Place, Madison, GA
We only have antique stores and furniture stores and beer joints in our small town. The antique and furniture stores sell jewelry to keep afloat, which takes away from our store. — Tom & Cindy Rice; Rice’s Jewelry, Mebane, NC
Been in business 56 years, and have had many local companies wanting to co-op advertising and specials. Most aren’t in business anymore. Don’t want my name linked to these companies. — Brian Holman; Holman Jewelers, Springfield, TN
[span class=note]This story is from the January 2010 edition of INSTORE[/span]