22 The world is a warmer place buffeted by more extreme weather events than when EARTH DAY was first held 50 years ago. Join in the celebrations by playing up jewelry lines that feature recycled gold, estate diamonds and other Earth-friendly materials. Sponsor Earth Day activities (like beach cleanups, tree-plantings and other community events that promote the environment) to underscore how our industry — jewelry — is committed to responsible business practices.
5 Mark GEOLOGISTS DAY with a fun quiz: See who among your customers can name your state’s official rock. If they get that, ask them the gemstones of adjoining states.
9 THE MASTERS TOURNAMENT in Augusta, GA, begins today. Create a contest with your staff for what you consider to be a “hole in one” over the four days of the golf event.
23 On LOVERS DAY, invite clients in for a toast of champagne to celebrate “just because,” suggests Megan Crabtree of Crabtree Consulting.