The worker suffered 'potentially life-threatening injuries.'
It’s time to form new patterns in order to not only survive, but thrive.
Use your downtime wisely.
An additional $310B is available for small businesses.
Gov. Greg Abbott hopes to restart the state's economy.
He'll donate more than 1,000 of the pieces.
Strong communication can improve morale and even boost sales.
Shed the ways of the past and take your business to a higher level.
Jimmy talks about his experience as a jeweler following the 9/11 tragedy.
The CEO says the company was built 'with family as our first pillar.'
Forget about the Styrofoam cups and powdered creamer.
It's worth about $3,000.
Jimmy DeGroot offers a few practical tips.
He operated the House of Kahn.
Customers will get refunds for jewelry they bought during the holidays.
Some of his anxiety may be self-induced.
The owner of Clark's Diamond Jewelers says she'll keep fighting.
He bought it in 1974 for less than $350.
3 suspects have been arrested.
Stan and Mary Sherwin operated the store for 40 years but decided to retire.