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Father’s Day Advice and More Important Dates for June




Father’s Day Advice and More Important Dates for June


Once upon a time, dads just wanted a little peace and quiet and maybe some socks on FATHER’S DAY. No more. Dad’s Day is catching up to Mother’s Day as a retail event (an average spend of $125 versus $170 for Mom). Surveys show 80 percent of men wear more than two pieces of jewelry, from necklaces and bracelets to cufflinks and even “right-hand” bands. Make sure to put a range of ideas in front of gift buyers.


June is NATIONAL ICED TEA MONTH. So get out some tall glasses, prepare some double-strength tea and ice cubes and invite your customers to drop by. 


Celebrate Laszlo Biro’s INVENTION OF THE BALLPOINT PEN 75 years ago by getting some nice pens made up with your store’s name on the side. (These mini-billboards have staying power!)



There’s a reason military units celebrate their histories: it makes it much harder for later recruits to dishonor the code. On FAMILY HISTORY DAY, share some of the legends that bind your jewelry family together.



Looking for a Seamless Sale? Call Wilkerson

After almost 60 years in business, Breakiron Jewelers in Erie, Pennsylvania, was closing its doors. And the store’s owner, Linda Breakiron, was ready for it. She had run the store as its sole owner since the beginning of the millennium and was looking forward to a change. Of course, she called Wilkerson. Breakiron talked to other jewelers who had used Wilkerson and was satisfied with their response. “They always had positive feedback,” she recalls. With the sales, marketing and even additional inventory that Wilkerson provided, Breakiron insists she could never have accomplished her going-out-of-business sale without Wilkerson’s help. She’s now ready for the journey ahead, but looking back, she’d be sure to recommend Wilkerson. “They just made the whole process very seamless.”

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