Why do clients frequent your store instead of others?” That is the million-dollar question.
Why do clients frequent your store instead of others?” That is the million-dollar question.
I have asked this question to hundreds of stores across the country and the top four answers that I hear over and over are, “It’s our great service,” “It’s our great pricing,” “Our customers trust us!” or, “They like me.” These are all wonderful answers, but are these your opinions or your clients’ opinions?
Have you ever asked your clients why they’re your clients? If we know why customers buy from us, we wouldn’t have to sell anymore. Trying to convince someone to buy is too much work; it’s only a matter of time before burnout happens.
I am going to tell you how to take your current client relationships and create a positive wave that will wash throughout your entire business.
Think of 10 of your best clients. Call each of them and let them know that you need their help in identifying why people enjoy doing business with you. Then send a letter or an e-mail asking the questions (see below).
You’ll be surprised with the positive responses, and you now have the answer to the million-dollar question of why people frequent your store instead of others. Simple information gathering like this has a dramatic effect on you and your business. It’s focusing on the positive things you are doing. And that is powerful!
I have used this activity over and over to boost owner and employee morale while also allowing them to get a clearer picture of the image that their company is sending out.
As an added bonus, read the responses out-loud during your office meetings and post them in the backroom for your team to see everyday. The reasons why clients walk through your door are the reasons for your success.
It’s a great way to remember what you do best. And that, my friends is the million-dollar answer to the million-dollar question!