Like exercise, promotions is something that’s very hard to do at first.
You’ll gasp. You’ll struggle. You’ll wonder if you’re doing it right. And you’ll think about giving up. Don’t. Because it’s worth the effort. In fact, creative and aggressive promotions will likely mean the difference between a business that dies (or, worse, lingers on forever, leaving you struggling just above the poverty line) or a business that thrives, expands its floor space, opens new locations. And if you keep doing it, and find yourself getting better at it, you’ll find that you like yourself ? and your store ? that much more.
When you started in this business, you didn’t say ?Hey, let me just open up this store and see how it goes for a few months.? No, you made a commitment. It’s the same thing with advertising and promotions. If you believe that advertising will bring more traffic to your store, that every exposure of your store’s name increases your strength, and that calling your customers and reaching them more frequently by direct mail will help you sell more, then promotions is something that you will make a genuine commitment to.
In our second annual promotions issue,we’ll provide you with as many secrets to help you market your store as we can pack in. And the rest, my friends, we will leave up to you.
Wishing you the very best business …
David Squires
Executive Editor and Associate Publisher
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