Jun. 28-Jul. 4
PERSONAL IMPROVEMENT The 30-Day Cold Shower Challenge probably had its moment in 2016. But don’t let the whims of fashion dissuade you from giving it a go. The benefits are said to be greater energy levels, better sleep and a feeling of somehow being more ethical. The colder the water the better — which is why you want to do this now, and not in January.
CUSTOMER SERVICE Ensure your staff can communicate effectively and promptly with customers: Provide each employee with a personalized email address.
MARKETING Try doing something outdoorsy for a change this summer — maybe a tent sale or even a sidewalk sale for cheaper items.
Jul. 5-11
MANAGEMENT Open a “Spy File”. Begin collecting information about competitors, including ads, promotions, media mentions and whatever anyone on staff overhears on the street. Not only do you want to know how they’ll be approaching the holidays this year, but amid tough economic times, you want to stay on top of any shifts in the local competitive environment in case opportunities arise.
MANAGEMENT Create a visual board to keep positive energy in the store. Urge everyone to pin a Post-it note of an upbeat interaction they had with another team member each week. When people walk by, the board it will bring positive energy and make them feel good.
Jul. 12-18
DISPLAYS Rewrap all the floorboards in your cases for a fresh look at minimum expense, says Larry Johnson, author of The Complete Guide To Effective Jewelry Display. Use display grade fabric to avoid color fade.
INVENTORY POS systems are great, but managing by data can sometimes put distance between you and your inventory. Get reacquainted. Spend time moving stuff around and look carefully at all your jewelry. You’re bound to come across pieces that will fit perfectly with something a customer recently bought.
Jul. 19-25
MARKETING Create a collection of photography for future use in your social channels. Having a variety of images on hand makes it much quicker and easier to schedule posts.
BENCH Review the services you offer with a particular focus on return on effort. If watch repair or another service is draining resources for little reward, you may want to consider rationalizing your offerings to a more manageable set.
Jul. 26-Aug. 1
SALES Contact all your vendors to see what incentives may be available for your sales team and ask what the procedure is for submitting applications. Gather the information in a document that can be easily updated. “Not only will this help the current team, but new hires can refer to this,” says Megan Crabtree, president of Crabtree Consulting.
MANAGEMENT Change your furniture, change your perspective. Move your desk to a different spot in your office (and do it again in six months). It sounds silly, but it will encourage you to review the status quo.