With hurricanes popping up all over the weather map, now seems a good time to share these tips on preparing for natural disaster from Jewelers unBLOCKed.
In the event of a natural disaster:
● Jewelers should ensure that entry to their store/office is safe before entering.
● Be cautious when entering the store/office after the event, there may be fallen debris.
● Shut-off electricity immediately if you see frayed wires or sparks.
● Should there be a loss of power, remember that most alarm system back up batteries only provide a couple hours of power. This could compromise your coverage. Have a plan in place to have security or store managers ready to return to the store for continuous insurance coverage should there be an extended loss of power.
● Follow all recommendations of local authorities.
● Take photos of all damages and merchandise as soon as you return to the store/office.
● If you think you need to make a claim, don’t delay. Call your insurance provider as soon as possible. An agent will be able to assist with the next steps.
● Require proper identification from any claims adjusters, service, repair or maintenance professionals post natural disasters – thieves look for opportunities to take advantage.
In the event of a hurricane/flood:
● Know your hurricane risks
○ Hurricane Watch: A hurricane is possible (usually within 36 hours)
○ Hurricane Warning: A hurricane is expected (usually within 24 hours)
● Know the elevation of your property to see if land is flood-prone.
● Seal showcase displays in plastic bags and store inside sealed display cases.
● Place products within plastic bags in showcases.
● Elevate goods to protect them from flooding, preferably in a safe-deposit box located at the highest possible elevation off the floor.
● Attach a note to your safe with a return address should the safe be found outside your premises after the storm.
● Use storm shutters or pieces of plywood to board up windows and glass exposures.
● Unplug electronic appliances and turn off electricity and the main water valve.
● Photograph the interior of your store, including the office. Print two copies, take one with you, keep the other in a safe-deposit box.
● Know where levees and dams are located near the store/office.
● Learn safe routes inland.
● Notify business neighbors and family members of your evacuation plans.
● Set the alarm.
● Lock up store/office and leave.
● Don’t attempt to drive across flowing water.
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