12 GIRL SCOUT DAY can make an honest claim to being the most underappreciated date on the jeweler’s calendar. The moms love it, the kids love it, and the staff also gets a kick out of it. Invite the local troop in to see your jewelers at work and to learn where precious gems come from. If the girls have cookies, invite other customers to come in for a taste. Such an event appeals to all: future customers (the girls), potential customers (the moms), and current customers (those impressed by your communal spirit).
10 On the 160TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE INTRODUCTION OF U.S. PAPER CURRENCY, it’s time for a spiff. Beat the boss, first add-on of the day, etc. … pay a “Washington” for trying, a “Benji” for success.
20 It’s NATIONAL PROPOSAL DAY. “Do a contest on social media for customers to win a prize for sharing their perfect proposal story,” suggests Megan Crabtree, president of Crabtree Consulting.
27 THE OSCARS were bumped back to March this year, so hold an Oscar-watching party. Your customers can walk the red carpet, sip special cocktails and win prizes for correctly picking the most honorees.