Persona Jewelry+ creative director Dustin Rennells recently expounded on the Boston store’s beautiful window displays for an upcoming Case Study installment for INDESIGN, and I was struck by his use of a famous book for the window theme – in this case, Winter’s Tale by Robert Sabuda. The book features stylized artwork and intricate pop-up engineering. Rennells took the concept and expanded it into a series of windows for the store’s holiday displays last year.
It seems to me that using a famous book theme for your windows is a great way to connect with the consumer on a level that’s comfortable and familiar. It also heightens a sense of wonder and imagination that jewelry, like books, can provide. Finally, it shows off your creativity, which is a positive in customers’ minds as far as what you can do for their look.
I went hunting on the Internet and found some other incredible book-based window displays. Hope you’ll consider using this concept in your upcoming displays!

Persona Jewelry+ creative director Dustin Rennells was inspired by Winter’s Tale to build this display.

Canadian department store Holt Renfrew tapped into the pop-up book Snowflakes for this display.

Selfridge’s in London based all of its holiday windows on books in 2014, especially fairy tales like Little Red Riding Hood.

Selfridge’s wove this stunning golden web for this Rumpelstiltskin-themed display.

This Princess & the Pea display is minimalist while highlighting the jewelry.

New York-based jeweler Eli Halili built these Wizard of Oz-themed displays to show clients that they weren’t in Kansas anymore.
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