Wow the days are already rolling one into another and it’s only December 2. A late night dinner with a vendor, then up early the next day to exercise and right back to work.
Today we are busy, sales are good, and the energy is strong. Then suddenly the rhythm of our busy day is shattered by tragic news. A family member of a Tappers associate has died. Nothing else puts life immediately into perspective as quickly as the sadness and grief of the loss of a young life.
How do we do it? Gracefully shifting from passionate and upbeat singing the praises of the beautiful gems and jewels that we work with, to understanding and sensitive, knowing that the truly rich person is the one that knows the importance of what he or she has, family, friends and the community that we live in.
I think as a retailers we are called on to be professional and serve our customers on many different levels. Learning to be a good listener so we can be aware of the concerns and needs of our external customer is an important and valuable skill. Yet we also need to be sensitive to our internal customers, listening to our own voices, learning to understand and respect the needs of ourselves and our co-workers. This will determine how well we are able to manage and exceed the expectations of our external customers.
As I prepare for tomorrow I know that I will be called on to react and respond to the unique individuals and challenging situations that pass through our doors and into my life each day. I hope today is a better day then yesterday, yet not as great as tomorrow!
A positive attitude brings positive results.
More tomorrow,