ONE OF THE main concerns when keeping a website running and trendy is to guarantee it appears as one of the first clickable options from a simple Google search. Your website is one among many in your niche, no matter how specialized you are, so the race for first place is critical for success.
Why ‘Fresh Content’ Is Important for Your Website
In this regard, your website is just like anything else in life. Let’s say five years ago you bought the all-time best encyclopedia on how to invest money. Now, let’s pretend you’ve moved twice since
then, and the shiny edition is currently somewhere in the back of the attic in one of those 20 unopened boxes between the dust bunnies and the frame of your grandmother. If you want to invest in 2020, would you go through those boxes to learn how? If you can understand the
impracticality in that endeavor, can you imagine what Google thinks?
So, from the baseline, we can already determine that if you want users to browse your pages, they need to believe you are up to date and easily accessible, and they also should trust that you know your stuff. Something else to think about: How will they know you are with-it today? Well, Google does it for them, and Google has its own bots. We call them crawlers because they scan “everything” on the web in order to categorize it. How exactly Google does it is still a bit blurry, but we suggest some of the basic set-ups you should use to ensure higher website traffic.
What Is ‘Authority’ for Google?
Authority is Google’s definition of who has earned the spotless reputation to be at the top of search results at any given time. There are three key variables. First, to have good authority, your website needs to be listed on other websites that cite you as a source for specific content. Second, there is no way around it, for citing to happen, you need to update your website with fresh and relevant content. Finally, how long you’ve been writing about a topic is also relevant for authority, so if you are new, work on constant and pertinent content to build a solid basis and reliability.
Focus on the User Experience
Determining who is your target audience is at the core of your website design and content because then you can predict what goes through users’ minds when they are about to search for your type of product or feature. Once you figure that, you will have an open view of what keywords to use and how to focus on your customers’ needs, and you can map the mind triggers that will do half the work for you.
If you don’t know very well where to start, think about all the websites you’ve clicked through recently. Make a list of the ones you popped in and out in less than 30 seconds versus the ones you stayed on for a while. Jot them down and you will have your first frame of potential things customers consider when accessing your website. You don’t need to have all the answers from the beginning, but you need a place to start. Your user is the place to start.