The Jewelers’ Security Alliance reported on several incidents of merchandise being stolen from jewelers’ vehicles.
The thefts took place in February and March in Florida and Virginia.
“Leaving jewelry in a vehicle, even for a minute, can result in a major loss,” JSA stated in a bulletin.
These were the incidents as reported by JSA:
Jacksonville, FL, March 8
A traveling jewelry salesperson, after driving for several hours, stopped to get gas and went inside to pay, leaving his jewelry in the car. After he paid for the gas, he returned to his car to discover his jewelry had been stolen. The salesperson is believed to have been followed for several hours from his previous location, since this was his first stop.
Chantilly, VA, March 6
At 7 p.m., a jewelry vendor left the Dulles Expo Center with valuable jewelry in a backpack. He placed the backpack in the rear of his van and put a stack of clothing on top. The jeweler stopped at a fast food restaurant on his way out of the parking lot, with a passenger remaining in the vehicle. The rear doors were immediately opened by suspects, and the backpack containing jewelry was taken.
Palm Beach, FL, Feb. 8
When a jeweler was in town for a jewelry show, she stopped at a gas station to use the restroom, leaving the jewelry in her vehicle. When she returned, she found that the jewelry had been stolen.
JSA offered the following recommendations:
1. Never leave jewelry in an unattended vehicle. In addition to the loss, most jewelry insurance policies don’t cover losses from an unattended vehicle.
2. Whether leaving home, a store or a jewelry show, jewelers must always be alert to whether they are being followed. Take a few minutes to engage in evasive driving techniques: circle the block, drive slowly, make a U-turn, and see if you are being followed.
3. When traveling with jewelry, gas up at stations where you can pay at the pump or pay an attendant. Use drive-through fast food restaurants where you do not have to leave jewelry in the car.
4. It is much safer to ship merchandise to and from trade shows rather than hand carry it.