(PRESS RELEASE) Long-time manufacturer of jewelry displays Ovadia Corporation has retooled to produce face shields, vital personal protective equipment (PPE), to support our medical workers against COVID-19. Ovadia’s initial run of PPE was funded through generous donations – including of many jewelers across the US – and distributed to hospitals, nursing homes, and first responders. Face shields have been shown to up to 96% effective in preventing the spread of virus.
When company President Sue Ovadia learned about the shortage of PPE, her first question was: “How can we help?” Within days, Sue and her sons Michael and Steven finalized a design for medical face shields, launched a fundraiser, sourced materials, and began distributing PPE to those with the greatest need in the COVID-19 “hot zone” of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. $25,000 in funds were raised to date, with over 5000 face shields donated. The campaign is also helping the business keep operating as jewelers worldwide have temporarily locked down.
Local Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill (NJ-11) joined volunteers this month to help deliver PPE donations from Ovadia. “I am so impressed with how Ovadia Corporation stepped up to help our frontline workers in need,” said the Congresswoman. “The Ovadia family is truly an example of New Jersey innovation and heart… of how local businesses in our community are taking their manufacturing expertise to do good at this unprecedented time.”
As an innovative company with over thirty patents, Ovadia has also taken this opportunity to redesign a face shield that is more effective, comfortable, and reusable. This patent-pending design was deemed as cutting-edge by multiple doctors: “My team has piloted a number of face shield designs since the COVID pandemic began, and these [Ovadia’s] are the clear favorite by both our clinical staff and hospital administrators. The reasons given by our staff include their comfort and ease of use, as well as their durability.” Dr. David Rainosek, CHI St Vincent’s.
As its donation campaign is winding down, Ovadia is also making their face shields available to the jewelry industry as it reopens. It is also continuing production of their jewelry displays, alongside face shields.