The sighting: Actor Michael B. Jordan recently hosted Saturday Night Live to promote his upcoming Adonis Creed movie. The actor dazzled during his opening monologue in a sleek, understated outfit topped with a diamond tennis necklace.
The jewels: I wish I could tell you more specifics about this tennis necklace, but all I have is my own observations. It’s gorgeous, with substantial, square-looking diamonds that appear delightfully large even while adorning a 6-foot-tall man who is in superhero movie level physical condition.
Jordan paired his necklace with a gold watch and understated diamond studs, letting the necklace take center stage.
The trends: This is the intersection of two trends that have been popular for the last couple of years: diamond tennis necklaces and necklaces on men.
What do we think? There’s nothing I don’t love about this. The necklace itself is stunning. It’s simple, but that feels right with the outfit. It’s also so large that any additional embellishment would have drastically changed the vibe here.
Extreme diamonds presented with ultimate simplicity feels simultaneously restrained and opulent, a straightforward statement of luxury from a man who clearly feels no need to show off in complicated ways.
Judgement: 17/10 for gorgeous diamonds on a handsome man.