The sighting: Actress Viola Davis wore a custom pink Dior gown and Chopard jewels to receive the Cecil B. DeMille Award at the recent 2024 Annual Golden Globes Hosts Golden Gala: An Evening of Excellence.
The jewels: Davis wore Chopard earrings, bangle and ring with her pink Dior gown.
We unfortunately don’t have specifics on the jewels, but they appeared to be white gold with diamonds, except for the earrings, which were set with a glorious ombre pattern of gems in the orange to yellow colors of a sunset.
The trends: White metals are popping up all over the place, and I think it’s very interesting that this look went for white metals when it otherwise had so many warm colors.
There have been indications that 2025 will be a good year for vibrant colored gems, and these earrings were a glorious example of that trend.
What do we think? This was fantastic. It would have been easy to pair this ethereal pink gown with dainty gold jewels and embrace its delicacy, but the white gold and the sunset colored gems instead made the look feel daring and powerful. It was a great outfit and felt like an excellent choice for Davis to receive her well-deserved Cecil B. DeMille Award.
Judgement: 17/10 for a winning look on a winner.