Mother Love
Now here’s an idea that would appeal to anyone who’s ever lifted a mop. In a recent year, Brinker’s Jewelry in Evansville, IN, offered to kick in for a free four-hour spring cleaning for every Mother’s Day gift purchase over $300. And yes: they cleaned up.
Leave and Let Grow
One of the best things about leaving the store to attend a trade show is that it forces your staff to show some initiatvvive — if you let them, says Allison Leitzel-Williams, owner of Leitzel’s Jewelry in Myerstown, PA. “Ironically, as owners, we feel like our staff needs us, but it can be important to show that we trust them enough to manage operations while we are away,” she says. Let 1,000 jewelers blossom!
Make Your Toilet Stand Out
Looking for a little extra touch to differentiate your business? Try colored toilet paper. Author Jonah Berger (“Contagious”) featured black rolls of toilet paper in all the bathrooms at a party he hosted, and they somehow became the talk of the party. Get your own colored toilet papers at
Old Values, Old Prices
Want to underscore the fact that you’ve been an important part of the local business community for decades while bringing excitement to a category that doesn’t make much money anyway? Offer to sell watch batteries at a decades-old price. Enchanted Jewelry, in Danielson, CT, does that, selling watch batteries at their 1986 price of $5. Owner Jill Keith says it is part of the store’s efforts to “maintain an old-school, welcoming, nostalgic feel” that has rewarded them with generations of customer trust and loyalty. “My dad’s philosophy was that a $5 watch battery is his most effective advertising budget,” she explains, adding that a customer recently bought an engagement ring from her because her father had adjusted watch links a few years back as a courtesy service.
Instant Custom
Visit the website of Galloway & Moseley Jewelers in Sumter, SC, and you’re invited to start building your ring straight away. If only you could be so engaging and direct with customers who walk in the door.
Save the Earth
April 22 is Earth Day. The heat is on. What little thing will you do? Debbie Klein of Art + Soul Gallery in Boulder, CO, eliminated most postcard mailings in favor of email invitations and social media. “We have over 5,000 names on our mailing list,” she says, “so that should save a tree or two.” They also recycle and compost everything, which is required by the city of Boulder.