(Press Release)
WARWICK, RI – Pease & Curren, a precious metals refiner/recycler, has announced it has begun offering precious metals loss-prevention audits.
The audit uses best practices from major manufacturers and incorporates them into the facility’s daily processes. Upon request, a Pease & Curren refining consultant can be dispatched to a facility to perform an audit. They will then provide insight as to where improvements can be made or what may increase returns in the reclamation process. A recent customer audit revealed a simple maintenance step was missing which was costing that customer $8,000-$10,000 in profit every year. Basically the customer was “throwing money away” as hidden precious metals were found in some cleaning supplies that were improperly disposed of.
“The most prestigious jewelers depend on us to handle their precious metals and stone removal,” says Raymond Farnsworth, vice president of Pease & Curren Refiners. “By adding this service, we are providing a way for manufacturers to uncover precious metals waste in the manufacturing process.”
For more information or to schedule an audit, visit info.peaseandcurren.com.