(PRESS RELEASE) Melee diamonds, weighing less than ⅕ ct, are essential for bridal and fashion diamond jewelry manufacturing. With the rise in lab-grown and counterfeit diamonds, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish between natural and synthetic diamonds. Right now, most melee diamonds aren’t sent to labs to be graded. This means synthetics could easily enter the melee supply chain with no detection.
PhotoScribe partners with companies to brand their collections with diamond inscription, from melee to center stones. Their line of Excimer Laser Systems are capable of marking up to 20,000 stones an hour, making inscription branding economical. Inscribing diamonds with a brand identifier is the perfect solution to differentiate natural from synthetic diamonds.
Currently, only a small percentage of stones in the industry are inscribed, and industry leaders are paving the way for diamond inscription. “Ultimately, consumers are looking for accountability and assurance that their diamonds are what they’re said to be. With a significant rise in synthetic diamonds, it’s becoming imperative to have identifiers on your stones,” said David Benderly, founder of PhotoScribe Technologies. Not every retailer has the proper equipment to distinguish between natural and synthetic diamonds. However, with PhotoScribe’s leading laser technology, there’s now an efficient solution. Whether you’re in the lab-grown or natural diamond sector, inscription is a great way to invest in your brand’s competitive advantage.
Currently, there aren’t any requirements for diamond inscription in the industry.In the future, all synthetic diamonds will likely require an inscription that distinguishes them from their natural counterparts. Increasingly, consumers are looking for companies who are transparent about their products. That’s why branded collections increase consumer trust and confidence. To contact PhotoScribe Technologies for more information, please email info@photoscribetech.com.