IN THE VIDEO BELOW you’ll meet Gene the Jeweler, a creation of industry consultant Jimmy DeGroot.
Gene is likable and earnest, but he’s also a little, well, clueless. You should definitely try not to be a Gene.
In this episode, Gene is interviewed about how he trains his employees. Unfortunately, he doesn’t have a lot to say on the topic — because he doesn’t offer any training. In fact, Gene mishears “train your employees” as “tame your employees,” and you start to wonder if that actually says something about the way he thinks!
And it soon becomes clear that Gene, who took over the business from his parents, isn’t doing so well. He’s doing everything in his business from accounting to cleaning to decorating, but he’s not seeing any growth.
The character is a parody, but for some jewelers, the underlying themes might hit close to home.
Maybe there’s something to this training thing after all?
Watch the video: