Customer complaints can permanently damage your business and reputation.
WHY IT IS TRUE: According to advertising guru Roy Williams, on average of 25 customers won’t complain for every one who will. Each of these 25 unhappy customers will tell an average of 16 other people about their bad experience with your store. They are some big numbers.
PLAN OF ACTION: NWhen people complain, don’t become defensive. You need to communicate with an attitude that indicates you clearly want to resolve the problem. Here are three questions you can ask to bail you out every time:
1. “What has happened?” Ask this question calmly and with genuine concern.
2. “What should have happened?” You must clearly understand the customer’s expectations before you can attempt to correct the problem.
3. “What can I do to make it right?” This will calm even the angriest customer. — D A V I D W . R I C H A R D S O N