1 Demographics tell us the age when most people tend to buy expensive jewelry (early 50s). Why then? It’s because the kids have finished college and old age has yet to set in. Celebrate that glorious period known as EMPTY NESTERS MONTH with an advertising campaign that targets this demographic. Google AdWords, Facebook, mail-lists and certain print publications provide ways to target age groups. Start experimenting this month.
1 It’s PLAN YOUR EPITAPH DAY. What do you want to be remembered for?
25 THANKSGIVING and SHOPPING REMINDER DAY fall on the same day this year. Send cards expressing your gratitude to your best customers’ support over the last turbulent 18 months.
26 BLACK FRIDAY, the traditional beginning of the Christmas shopping season, is here. How about a gift card to all customers who made a purchase within the last 12 months? $5 off for those who spend $50, $10 off for those who spend $100 … etc.