The third annual Big Survey provides an overview of the current state of retail jewelry.
[dropcap cap=I]t’s time for instore’s third annual Big Survey, and if it seems a little late in coming, you’re right. The last Big Survey appeared in April 2008. With April now the month of instore’s Smart Jewelry Show in Chicago, we thought it better to move the survey to a new permanent home in October. [/dropcap]
We hope you enjoy this year’s edition. For the first time ever, instore is including salary data — on a national level, regional level, and in some cases, even on a state-by-state level.
In addition, we’ve got new statistical tools that allow us to finely slice and dice survey data to come up with some fascinating insights.
Finally, we also have a special section called “The Downturn” that looks at how the weak economy affected your business and your life. And we give jewelers a chance to share important realizations and business lessons from the last year and a half.
Enjoy! Send your feedback to And a big thanks to all those who participated!
Wishing you the very best business,
David Squires
Find me in the INSTORE community!
[h2]A Jumbo-Size P.S.[/h2]
Been to lately? You [i]really need[/i] to check it out. Because I’m so excited about it, I’m going to make a big-time brag and say our brand-new, completely revamped website has the potential to be one of the most important (and definitely the coolest) online destinations in the jewelry industry. The last missing ingredient? You! Drop by, register, and see what we’ve put together for you.
More than just instore archives, we’ve completely re-organized our contents to supply you useful stories from the past just when you need them most. (How would you like the chance to see the best Christmas sales tips from eight years worth of instore right as we go into the Christmas selling season?)
Find daily blogs, special forums, and by far the most extensive community functions (write your own blog, post your own photo albums, follow your industry friends, create your own industry groups) of any industry site.
But to do all this, you’ll need to register. Do it today at