Smart Managers: Nate Smith
Published in the April 2012 issue
STORE NAME: Delfine’s Fine Jewelry
LOCATION: Charleston, WV
At Christopher’s Fine Jewelry in Champaign, IL, Nate Smith’s business card described him as “sales manager.” In his new role at Delfine’s Jewelry, Smith will focus on one of his favorite aspects of the business: event planning. Don’t miss his session on the topic at the SMART Jewelry Show 5-5:45 p.m. April 21.
GOLDEN RULE: Half the game is being a leader. Be as diplomatic as possible. Follow the golden rule. Treat everyone with respect. Keep the sales staff happy. Praise is part of it, public praise and appreciation. Make them feel good about themselves.
FIRE-FIGHTING: When a situation with a customer starts to go wrong (i.e. an order/repair is overdue and the customer is asking about it or tension between sales staff arises) drop everything you’re doing and immediately set about working toward an effective solution.
ONE MOVE AHEAD: Operate in “Quadrant 1” as David Brown says in his presentations at the SmartShow, which means planning ahead so you aren’t moving from one work crisis to another.
GOOD READS: Some books I’ve found helpful are Update: Today’s Management Know-How; Moving Mountains by Henry Boettinger and A Passion for Excellence by Tom Peters. But most of the principles I’ve learned have been from the GIA’s Jewelry Business Management curriculum.
SUCCESS STORIES: I write in my personal journal the success stories of the jewelry that made such an impact on the giver and the recipient’s life. It’s those memories that I thrive on, that keep me motivated. less haste: I’ve had to work on patience. I’ve had to seriously focus on doing one thing at a time and getting it done. You only get credit for what you finish.
SALES SECRETS: The three secrets are communication skills, positive mental attitude and taking pride in your appearance.
BEYOND THE SALE: Go out for drinks, to dinner, customers aren’t just dollar signs, they are friends, unique individuals who have preferences you learn over time.
CAREER CHANGE: I was going to school to be an agricultural engineer. I saw an ad for part-time sales help at a downtown jewelry store. I went full time and worked my way up. I decided agricultural engineering was not for me.
COMMUNITY: I like to support the community by coordinating with other local businesses. Like, for women’s night out, we have five other vendors we work with. people person: I love not being stuck behind a desk. I’m definitely a people person and I love talking to people. I like being able to help the clueless guys.