Your worries about areas of finance may be misplaced.
PART 1: This survey provides vital information on the preferences of today’s jewelry buyers.
Consider these six criteria before you decide.
That one thing you’ve been putting off because you were busy during the holidays? Take care of that too.
Understanding the relationship between sales and costs is only the beginning.
It means socking away savings even when you’re feeling strapped.
And be sure to use those Vegas shows to your PR advantage.
There’s no reason why you can’t improve your math acuity.
Check these areas to see if you can drop more to the bottom line.
Take advantage of this month to set yourself up for a successful year.
It’s about breaking it into bite-sized chunks.
If you haven’t accounted for these areas, your holiday sales will suffer.
And lest we forget, August is trade show season this year.
Achieving the correct balance will keep your business healthy and ready for growth.
And don’t forget to do something special for July 4.
What should a retailer do?
Plus, why you really should stop saying “should.”
And it’s time to finalize plans for any upcoming summer events.
There are just three factors to consider.
Plus some tips for freshening up the store.
INSTORE helps you become a better jeweler with the biggest daily news headlines and useful tips. (Mailed 5x per week.)