And be ready to role-play with your fellow associates.
After all, a karaoke singer singing “Crazy” won’t sound as good as Patsy Cline.
Follow this checklist before purchasing from a new company.
Don’t be afraid to raise prices; your jewelers' expertise is worth it.
It’s not just about selling the jewelry itself; it’s about what the jewelry says about your store.
With gold prices so high, your bench area should have never looked so clean. Get vacuuming.
The secret to calming down an irate customer? These three words.
If you’re not doing these four things, you’re missing out.
If you do it right, they’ll give you great reviews and stay loyal to your store.
Plus good reasons to visit both your CPA and your attorney.
Shane Decker talks about what makes diamonds so special in part two of his “The Miracle of Diamonds” column series.
Maintain your good selling habits during the Christmas selling season.
There are many ways you can be proactive.
If you’re encountering price objections, you’re not using enough facts about diamonds to build value.
Be sure you’re ready to greet each client when they walk in.
It’s why GMROI and having two bank accounts are important.
A thank-you card is a great way to show how much you care.
You have to go beyond features and benefits — you have to get personal.
And identify jobs to shake staff out of their summer slumber. The seasons are changing.
When you pre-judge what the client can afford, you’ve already lost.
INSTORE helps you become a better jeweler with the biggest daily news headlines and useful tips. (Mailed 5x per week.)