WHAT ARE THE ODDS of actually finding the one person you are right for? You meet 20 people of the opposite sex in your lifetime with whom you develop any kind of attraction, and then you pick one. Of the 1.5 billion other possible mates on the planet, somehow the person you went to college with turns out to be the right one. What are the odds of that?
Then, after you think your new relationship isn't working out, you break up and, amazingly, right down the block is another perfect mate for you! That's why, when the experts get together and talk about making a marriage work, the key word is “making.” They just don't work out by themselves. Good marriages are made. Assembled. Created. Built. Constructed. Look at the odds. How could it be otherwise?
Now, about that staffer who is not working out …. Are you giving him the time and effort needed? Or are you just writing him off, hoping that down the block is another perfect match? Just think of what you could build if you gave everyone the effort he deserves!