Seth Godin shares the most powerful billboard ad imaginable:
“Free coffee, next exit”.
That’s all you’ll need. Particularly (as Godin says) if your message is typeset correctly and the coffee is good.
Godin’s point is that, too many times, we over-explain. We doubt the power of our offer, and drizzle verbiage over it to assuage our doubt. Result: diluted messages.
Next time you work on marketing material (a billboard, an ad, your website), remember the lesson of “Free coffee, next exit”.
Simplify. Boil away the fat. Keep only the essence. Don’t use a hundred words when five would do the job.
You probably won’t beat “Free coffee, next exit”. But you’ll boost the power of your marketing messages. Guaranteed.
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Retiring? Let Wilkerson Do the Heavy Lifting
Retirement can be a great part of life. As Nanji Singadia puts it, “I want to retire and enjoy my life. I’m 78 now and I just want to take a break.” That said, Nanji decided that the best way to move ahead was to contact the experts at Wilkerson. He chose them because he knew that closing a store is a heavy lift.
To maximize sales and move on to the next, best chapter of his life, he called Wilkerson—but not before asking his industry friends for their opinion. He found that Wilkerson was the company most recommended and says their professionalism, experience and the homework they did before the launch all helped to make his going out of business sale a success. “Wilkerson were working on the sale a month it took place,” he says. “They did a great job.”