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The Jewelry Industry Celebrates Halloween 2016



ONE OF MY FAVORITE times to browse social media is the morning after Halloween. You get to see all your favorite folks from the jewelry industry cut loose and have some fun in costume. I collected a few from my Facebook wall; hope you enjoy them as much as I did! ne of my favorite times to browse social media is the morning after Halloween. You get to see all your favorite folks from the jewelry industry cut loose and have some fun in costume. I collected a few from my Facebook wall; hope you enjoy them as much as I did!

The Jewelry Industry Celebrates Halloween 2016

Amanda Gizzi, director of public relations and events, Jewelers of America, as a cheetah

The Jewelry Industry Celebrates Halloween 2016

Amber Gustafson, owner, Amber’s Designs (Katy, TX), as a witch-in-a-box

The Jewelry Industry Celebrates Halloween 2016

Michael O’Connor, jewelry and style expert, as an Egyptian pharoah

The Jewelry Industry Celebrates Halloween 2016

Travis and Andrea Piper, Piper Diamond Co. (Vincennes, IL), as Top Gun pilots (on right)

The Jewelry Industry Celebrates Halloween 2016

Barbara Palumbo, director of business development south for Gumuchian and blogger at, and her family as The Incredibles

The Jewelry Industry Celebrates Halloween 2016

Ashley Stegall, marketing coordinator, Bremer Jewelry (Peoria, IL), as Alice in Wonderland

The Jewelry Industry Celebrates Halloween 2016

Sami Jack, founder of Sami Fine Jewelry (Fountain Hills, AZ), as Snow White

The Jewelry Industry Celebrates Halloween 2016

Michael Schechter, digital marketing/PR manager for
The Richline Group, as some crazy dude in a wig

The Jewelry Industry Celebrates Halloween 2016

Amie Guarino, sales/marketing/design, Louis Anthony Jewelers (Pittsburgh, PA), as the pregnant housewife




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