A gentleman bought a nice bracelet for a woman he’d been seeing the past few months. He was proud of what he picked out and was excited to give it to her as a token of his love. A few days after Christmas, he called asking about our return policy, which is store credit only. The cost of the bracelet was $3,000 and he really wanted a full refund returned to his credit card, which I (the store manager) could not authorize, so I encouraged him to come in person to appeal to our owner. When the gentleman came in, an employee asked how they could help him, and he started crying in the middle of the store, saying he bought this bracelet for the wrong girl who broke up with him and said she couldn’t accept his gift. The owner refused, but the man starts crying harder, saying, “Well, who else am I going to buy any jewelry for? I don’t have anyone else to give this bracelet to!” The owner felt so bad, she refunded the full amount to his credit card and gave him a box of tissues along with suggestions of some good dating sites. — Rebecca Larson, Barry Peterson Jewelers, Ketchum, ID