Got tired of sizing people’s fingers so they could go buy a ring on the internet and decided to start charging for it. A few days later, I got a call from a young woman who said she needed to get her finger measured, and I said OK but I charge $50 for it. She didn’t hesitate and said that would be fine and she would be by shortly. When she finally came in, she sat on one of my benches in my store and starting looking at her hands. Then she started weeping and couldn’t stop. When I asked her what was wrong, she told me that she didn’t know which finger to measure because her fiancé had died and his mother wanted to have a ring made for her with his ashes in it. I gently suggested she use her right-hand ring finger, and she agreed. I measured her and then she pulled out her credit card. Needless to say, there was no way I could charge her after that! I just sent her on her way. So now I just refuse to measure fingers unless the rings are being purchased from me. — Daniel Spirer, Daniel R. Spirer Jewelers, Cambridge, MA