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Wilkerson Testimonials | Brockhaus Jewelry

Moving Up in the World? Wilkerson Can Help You Get There

When Brockhaus Jewelry decided to move from Norman, Oklahoma’s West Main Street to a new, freestanding building in the same town, co-owners John Brockhaus and Brad Shipman decided it was the perfect time to clear out the old for the new. That meant reducing their old store’s inventory. Brockhaus and Shipman had already done business with Wilkerson, so using them for the moving sale “made perfect sense.” “Our first partnership was outstanding, and the second one was even better,” says Shipman. “Wilkerson prioritized our inventory first and then began to supplement our inventory as the sale progressed.” The sale even exceeded Wilkerson’s goals.

Would Brockhaus and Shipman recommend Wilkerson to other jewelers looking to clear out the old new make way for the new, to retire or remodel? Absolutely, the partners say. “Wilkerson made it simple. They had a plan, the consultant was outstanding and everything went smoothly,” says Shipman.

Moving Up in the World? Wilkerson Can Help You Get There