Even your jewelers can get in on the action.
You’ll make more money and make your clients even happier.
Don’t be afraid to raise prices; your jewelers' expertise is worth it.
It means charging more on certain services.
Sales meetings should happen at least twice a month and cover certain topics.
Paying by the piece can be more profitable for you and provide better service for your clients.
Here are the characteristics of each type.
Move aged inventory after a year to increase cash flow and profits.
Incentives can improve individual sales performance.
A function called “re-cost” could be vital if you suffer a burglary or robbery.
It’s why GMROI and having two bank accounts are important.
Women understand certain things like inventory turn and why other women buy jewelry.
It goes toward your client’s peace of mind.
For example, offering a watch battery guarantee for either one year or five years can raise your average battery sale.
There are four big differences, plus several small ones.
You’ll want to make them whole somehow, even if it’s not your fault.
They involve your shop and your inventory.
When you limit your inventory level to your annual gross profit dollars, your bank account will grow.
When it comes to hiring, you may have to change your mindset.
In the process, you’ll help your clients with gift-giving.