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Royalty Reigns in Crown Rings

Royalty Reigns in
Crown Rings

Author: Beth Bernstein

Author: Beth Bernstein

Influences from period dramas on Netflix, Hulu, HBO Max and Prime, the ever growing allure (and purchase) of antique jewelry, famous royal jewels going up at auction and the renewed interest in hair ornaments on the red carpet and at weddings in recent years (with the exception of 2020) have combined to create new interest in tiaras and diadems. Downton Abbey might have started the trend on television but The Crown kept it going — most appropriately throughout the series. Tiaras also appeared in Bridgerton, one of our other guilty viewing pleasures. Personally, I remember wearing glittery rhinestone tiaras when I was very young. Mine is not a new story — almost every girl wants to be a princess at some point in her life. But in our everyday world, for career women like myself, it’s just not possible to don a tiara to a corporate meeting or even an event. For the regal fantasies in all of us, Gabriel has created the ultimate alternative — the crown ring, beautifully available in a variety of shapes and motifs. We don’t even have to look in a mirror to see these aristocratic and ornamental jewels — we just need to look down at our hands to get that magical feeling.