(Press Release)
The AISociety – Appraisers International Society (AIS) debuts its one-week, 40-hour global, live, online, AiFasTrak-2016 version of “AiCore-I Appraisal & Valuation Principles & Procedures” during three weeks in July.
Live from New York City, primary program developer and instructor Elly Rosen, AiSCV AVS-GJV, FGA, GG, will be taking AISociety’s Global Valuation Standard v5 around the world in AiCertification’s online, audio-video classroom. After 34 years of development, the world of personal property appraising, will see a multi-specialty, singular global valuation standard brought to all time zones, one week at a time, one-third of the globe at a time. AIS’ GVS is applicable to gems, jewels, watches, fine and decorative arts, antiques and collectibles, and all personal property.
The July schedule for AiFasTrak has the following offerings:
- Monday, July 11 – Friday, July 15: European offering for Europe, Africa-Middle East & West Asia; 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. CEST (Central European Standard Time)
- Monday, July 18 – Friday, July 22: Western Hemisphere offering for The Americas; 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. CDT (Central Daylight Time)
- Monday, July 25 – Friday, July 29: Pacific offering for East Asia, Australia-New Zealand, Hawaii; 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. NZST (New Zealand Standard Time)
Successful completion with testing of AiFasTrak’s 40-hour "AiCore-I Appraisal & Valuation Principles & Procedures" leads to the “AiS” Member title. The syllabus and registration info for AiCore-I can be viewed here..
Inquiries can be made by phone to the AiSociety New York City office at 1-347-281-4220 or by email at AiCertify@AiSociety.com.
The AiFasTrak July course instructor is AIS Founder and President Elly Rosen, AiSCV AVS-GJV, FGA, GG, recognized as a pioneer of professional personal property valuation and appraisal education, testing, certification and referrals. He headed up the first professional personalty program ever offered from its start in 1982, serving as primary developer and instructor for the first, formative development decade of 1982-1993. Rosen then developed and ran the AISNetWork on Polygon from 1995 through 2010.
Since 2011, the Global AiCore of advanced, multi-specialty AIS accredited international valuers from seven countries on four continents worked with Elly in twice-weekly live, audio-video sessions in AiCertification’s online classroom. More than 5,000 hours of live global interaction expanded the original multi-specialty program to be applicable to all global free market economies via the AISociety’s Global Valuation AIStandard (GVS).
Completion of additional courses of “AiCore-II Appraisal & Valuation Applied Methodology & Reporting,” Advanced Valuation Specialist (AVS) covering: Advanced & Regulated Assignments; Tax-Revenue Valuation & Appraisements; and Trial Expert & Trial Consultancy work, lead to the “AiSV AISociety Accredited Valuer” and “AiSCV-AVS AISociety Certified Advanced Valuation Specialist” titles. Following AiCore I & II, graduate alumni may advance to AiSpecialty Diploma programs in gems and jewelry / jewellery, fine and decorative arts, residential contents and estates.
The AISociety 2016 Global Conference will be hosting personal property appraisal’s first Global Valuation Congress in New York City, Sept. 23-27. Details will be forthcoming.
“AIS educational programs are especially dedicated to those who wish to take valuation and related appraisal services to the pinnacle through education, testing and certification providing the tools and expertise to handle any assignment around the globe,” says AiGovernance chair, Bill Korst, AiSCV AVS-GJV, GG, USA gem dealer and appraiser.
The AISociety teaches the distinct difference between valuation and gemology based “appraising,” clarifying their distinct roles as separate disciplines. “My experience with appraisal organizations going back many years was based on gemology. It was through AIS’ comprehensive program that my eyes were opened to valuation professionalism rooted in the principles and applied methodology of the AiCode & AIStandard,” says AiGovernance executive committee chair, Dennis Blacklaws, AiSCV AVS-GJV, GG, who also serves as AiGovernor for the New Zealand.