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MJSA Launches Consumer Marketing Campaign




(PRESS RELEASE) MJSA, a trade alliance dedicated to professional excellence in jewelry making and design, has launched a new consumer marketing campaign, Jewelers Do It Better, to generate enthusiasm for its members’ creations and drive retail sales. The campaign aims to promote not just jewelry in all its forms and styles, but also the manufacturers and designers themselves —their stories, their skills and their authentic passion for making jewelry.

“Consumers have always loved jewelry, but they also want to know the stories of the people who create it,” said MJSA President/CEO David W. Cochran. “That’s especially true for the Millennial buyers, who, as a Forbes magazine article put it, connect best with people rather than logos. When consumers learn the stories behind the creations, that instills confidence. We want the Jewelers Do It Better campaign to tell our members’ stories and to forge the types of connections that spur demand and drive sales.”

MJSA’s new consumer website,, enables visitors to discover different types of jewelry — custom work, art jewelry, designer creations and all types of branded lines, from bridal to casual. It also features profiles of the creators, with “behind the scenes” glimpses showing how specific designs were achieved, as well as guidance on how to work with jewelers when creating customized pieces.

And when customers find a design that sparks their interest, the site offers multiple options to connect — including a dynamic map showing the retail locations where that jeweler’s work is available.

The campaign will incorporate extensive consumer marketing through social media platforms and other digital channels. The Hill Management Group LLC, which developed the website, will direct these efforts.

The Jewelers Do It Better campaign is a companion to the MJSA Education Foundation’s BEaJEWELER initiative, which connects aspiring jewelers with careers. They are funded by a JCK Industry Fund Grant.


MJSA members who would like to participate in the Jewelers Do It Better campaign will find a user-friendly form on the site to get started. To learn more, contact Travis Searle at or 1-800-444-MJSA, ext. 3024. 



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