On Store Ownership: Many Hats, One Head
Delegate all you want, but ownership has its own set of rules.

Published in the April 2014 issue
I thought of this last Friday as I reached exhaustion at the end of a long day. I had worn the following hats:
Started with a difficulty in our QuickBooks … bookkeeper.
Had to deal with a staffing issue on a commission … arbitrator.
Sent out two online wires and confirmed banking balances online … banker.
Custom designed a wedding band for a client … designer.
Confirmed that a pearl strand and white gemstone in an inheritance were not genuine … gemologist.
Dealt with an irate client over a return because she “hates jewelry and did not know why her husband would buy her earrings?”… customer care representative.
Calmed down small children of a client while the customer was with a staff member and children were going wild on the water fountain … baby sitter.
Had to repair the fence outside as wind blew out some boards the evening before … carpenter.
Repaired an expansion bracelet for an older client, free of charge … watch-repair person.
Finding the repair that nobody can find and “has disappeared” (and they say that men can’t find things!) … super sleuth detective.
Added two new items to our inventory and placed two online orders … inventory control personnel.
Had to show staff why computers in network were working but “not for them” … IT specialist.
Worked on creative for new radio ads and went over idea with manager for new promotion … marketing specialist.
Repaired a tip with the new Orion arc welder … goldsmith.
Changed an LED strip in showcase … electrician.
Prepared details for small claims court case I launched against a radio station … paralegal.
I think I may have had a couple more chores, but stopping at this point seems reasonable as my neck was sore from supporting so many hats. And for the people who say I should delegate more, I am doing just that. It is just that “stuff” happens and ownership has its own set of rules.
David Blittis the owner of Troy Shoppe Jewellers in Calgary, Canada. He’s still looking for a hat that fits more than 10 gallons