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WFDB Announces Dates of 2018 World Diamond Congress in Tel Aviv




(PRESS RELEASE) ANTWERP, BELGIUM – The World Federation of Diamond Bourses announces the dates for the 2018 World Diamond Congress, the biannual meeting of the WFDB and the International Diamond Manufacturers Association. The Congress will take place at the Hilton Hotel in Tel Aviv from June 19 to 21. 

The Congress will start on June 19, with a cocktail event to take place in the evening. The second day of the Congress will see the official opening of the event, with a senior Israeli figure due to attend. The Gala Dinner of the Congress will take place on the evening of June 20. The Congress will come to a close on Thursday, June 21. 

The meeting is being organized by the Israeli diamond industry organizations: the Israel Diamond Exchange, the Israel Diamond Institute and the Israel Diamond Manufacturers Association. There will also be a partner’s program featuring visits to interesting spots across the country. 

Israel Diamond Exchange President Yoram Dvash said the Israeli diamond trade was already deep into planning the event. “We are looking forward to again creating a wonderful setting for the WFDB and IDMA to hold its meetings in an exquisite setting. We hope that participants and guests will take the opportunity to visit the many beautiful areas that Israel has to offer after attending fruitful meetings at the Congress.” 

WFDB President Ernie Blom said he expected the Congress to live up to previous Congresses and Presidents’ Meetings held in Israel. “On behalf of the WFDB, I would like to thank the Israeli diamond industry for offering to host the Congress. This is a great undertaking, and I am fully confident that it will be hugely successful as was each of the previous gatherings in Tel Aviv.” 




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