This past week, jewelry previews to the New York press continued, and one thing I can now safely tell you is that fall-into-spring collections are pointing to many more new front/back earrings.
Lorraine DePasque
Contributing writer for INSTORE and INDESIGN.
his past week, jewelry previews to the New York press continued, and one thing I can now safely tell you is that fall-into-spring collections are pointing to many more new front/back earrings.
Obviously, a question is: Will they be “trend” or “new classics”? Frankly, at this moment, it’s hard to say, but I’m putting them in the same category as inside/outside diamond hoops. In other words, they’ve got a trendy, fresh vibe, yet, because they look good from different angles, I can see their potential of joining fine jewelry’s “new classics” — much like the huggies.
One thing that especially makes me full of anticipation about these earrings — also being referred to as 360s, double-sided, and front-and-backs — is the potential of pearl pairs and singles. Without being contrived, front/back pearl earrings further take June’s birthstone into the “not-your-grandmother’s-pearls” genre. Two cases in point: a black pearl in front and a gold pearl in back, or a cultured pearl in front and a keshi hanging thread-like down the back.
And make no mistake: Millennials and Gen Ys have already noticed. (Of course, Rihanna, often seen in her Dior front/back pearls, doesn’t hurt the cause either.)
Given the stepped-up number of double-sided designs that stores should be carrying (as many of their vendors continue to create them), it seems natural to me that even more twenty- and thirty-somethings will notice. Do I think that, this time next year, it’ll seem like double vision? Honestly, no, I don’t really suspect front/backs will be twice as hot as now. Nonetheless, they’ll surely be something you want to sell—if your aim is to project a mood of modernity and style.
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