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IEG: VICENZAORO 22, Attendance Up 24% Compared to September 21, 53% from Abroad

A good scenario for the gold and jewelry sector as well as contemporary watchmaking, on display at the first edition of VO’Clock Privé.




IEG: VICENZAORO 22, Attendance Up 24% Compared to September 21, 53% from Abroad

(PRESS RELEASE) VICENZA (ITALY) — Vicenzaoro – The Jewellery Boutique Show, the international trade fair organized by IEG – Italian Exhibition Group and the first European event for the gold and jewellery sector, closed after much satisfaction on the part of the operators. Attendances – an example of coexistence and harmony among different populations – were “welcomed” by “Give”, an installation by Lorenzo Quinn, a message of peace positioned at the entrance to the show. And the number registered a 24% increase compared to Vicenzaoro September 2021, an edition of the same duration and also held in the unprecedented post-pandemic context characterized by new business paradigms compared to past shows. The decision to postpone the January appointment to March made it easier to hold meetings in complete tranquillity with a positive and widespread sentiment.

Five days of business, shows, training, round tables and in-depth analysis in conjunction with T.Gold, the international exhibition for machinery and advanced technologies applied to gold and jewelry design and production processes, confirm Vicenzaoro as the international hub of reference for the precious metals and jewelry industry. A unique, physical, “all at once” business platform, with digital extensions. A training centre for sustainability, innovation, trends and watchmaking for the entire supply chain: top-of-the-range, jewelry, components and semi-finished products, diamonds, precious and colored stones, processing technologies, visual merchandising and packaging.

Despite the difficult moment, Vicenzaoro gathered together a healthy and solid entrepreneurial fabric with concrete prospects for the over 1,000 exhibiting brands (more than 140 at T.Gold), 300 hosted buyers, students, designers, schools, institutions and media from all over the world. A unique community, with contemporary watches at Vo’Clock Privé, edition number “one” of the new lounge format that was also open to enthusiasts during the weekend.

International participation saw operators from 127 countries. The influx of buyers and visitors from abroad, in particular from Spain (6.5% of the total), Germany (6.4%), the United States (6.3%), Greece (5.3%) and France (5.2%), amounted to 53%.

A general optimism was felt among the halls, also thanks to IEG’s ability to generate new formats over the years, contributing to the sector’s results presented during the event: 2021 saw a turnover of 8.8 billion euros and exports of Made in Italy products up by 15.7% compared to 2019 (+54% compared to 2020), with double-digit growth compared to 2019 towards the USA and United Arab Emirates (non-EU exports were worth 75%). *

Vicenzaoro enjoyed a cohesive presence of institutions and associations: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and ITA – Italian Trade Agency, Confindustria Federorafi, Confartigianato Orafi, Confcommercio Federpreziosi, CNA Orafi, Confimi Industria Categoria Orafa ed Argentiera, Assocoral, AFEMO – Italian Association of Jewellery Machinery Manufacturers and Exporters, and at an international level,CIBJO – the World Jewellery Confederation, which held its General Assembly during the show, and FHH – Fondation de la Haute Horlogerie.




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