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Engagement Ring Found in Septic Tank Three Years After Toddler Flushed It




Two men waded through a lot of … you know what.

Thanks to the efforts of her husband and a local business, a woman in Canada has her engagement ring back three years after her toddler flushed it and some other jewelry down the toilet, The Huffington Post writes.

The article details the laborious search for the ring, which began with the husband – who, conveniently, is an underground pipe layer by trade – taking the toilet apart. He later called a professional from a local septic tank company, and both of them searched for the ring while wading through the tank full of waste. Their efforts were fruitless until, three years later, the man from the septic tank company returned to prepare the tank for a house sale. With a new hunch of where the ring could be hiding, he found it in a spot he didn’t check before, prompting the wife’s heart to “just burst with joy,” as she says.

Read more at The Huffington Post




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