(PRESS RELEASE) Project ASSURE is a diamond verification instrument (DVI) testing standard. The ASSURE program was developed by the Diamond Producers Association in collaboration with De Beers and Signet Jewelers. Their objective is to develop a universal benchmark to test DVIs in a consistent manner.
The Gemlogis VISTA is a portable DVI used to identify potential lab-created diamonds. Project ASSURE tested The VISTA using four metrics; synthetic diamond referral rate (100%), synthetic diamond false positive rate (0%), natural diamond referral rate (7.5%) and natural diamond accuracy (92.5%). The VISTA achieved the top score on each metric for its class (DVIs retailing at less than $1,000). Complete results are published in the ASSURE Directory and can be found here. the VISTA uses proprietary UV reflection technology to segregate the diamond in question. UV reflection provides the VISTA with superior results and the ability to segregate diamonds set in closed back mountings. All other in-class DVIs measure UV absorption and are unable to segregate diamonds set in closed back mountings. More information is available at www.gemlogisusa.com. The VISTA is available from $599 and sold by the following distributors:
• AP Findings
• International Jewelry Supply
• Bella Findings House
• Kassoy
• Berco Jewelry Company
• Paaz Inc.
• Continental Jewelry Supply
• SEP Tools
• Esslinger Watchmaker Tools
• Star Struck
• Gaber & Company USA
• ZAK Jewelry Tools and Machinery
Contact: Dana Van Buskirk, Gemlogis USA
Phone: 800-833-1090
Email: dana@gemlogisusa.com